101st Airborne
Division Association,
Michigan Chapter |
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Welcome to the 101st Airborne Division Association, Michigan Chapter!
The first meeting of the Michigan chapter took place on June 6, 1983 at the Finnish American Club in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Our chapter was the inception of George E. Koskimaki, the noted historian and author of the 101st Airborne Division. Our national charter was rendered three years later on December 14th, 1986 at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. Then president George Rosie accepted the charter from the Association and we became a chapter member of the national Association. Since then, we have continued growing and evolving in leaps and lurches in terms of membership, mission and purpose.
We are education-centered and mission-focused. Our chapter is organized around supporting and providing education in three significant areas: First, by supporting the Screaming Eagles Scholarship Foundation -financially and otherwise, the purpose of which is to provide assistance to Association members and their families in pursuing their higher education; Second, by providing educational programs for our chapter members and the general public at our monthly Gathering of Eagles for luncheon meetings; and, Third, by promoting our members’ participation in organizing and presenting educational programs to their local community leaders, members, and students in their local communities throughout Michigan.
Through these educational programs and activities, the Michigan chapter honors and advances the history, values, and traditions of the 101st Airborne Division Association in our local Michigan communities, -e.g., the values of commitment, self-sacrifice, integrity, and patriotism. Our chapter members pass our history, values, beliefs, and traditions onto the next generation of young Americans, tomorrow’s citizens and leaders. Over time, these values are woven into the delicate knit of the social fabric of our communities.
Our chapter’s emphasis on providing quality educational programs continues our legacy and keeps the Association’s history, values, and spirit alive and relevant in our everyday lives: It is nothing less than our chapter’s Rendezvous with Destiny! And in so doing, our members continue living their lives with a sense of moral clarity, directionality, and purpose as we strive to support our great nation, our local communities, and each other.
Feel free to browse through our website! For those interested in joining the Michigan chapter, we offer a rich set of opportunities for camaraderie, learning about our history, and fulfilling a shared-sense of purpose by becoming more meaningfully involved with each other and our local communities. These opportunities include joining with us at our monthly Gathering of Eagles in Livonia for our luncheon meetings; attending our 35th annual reunion and memorial banquet in Brighton, MI (September 2022); and, gathering with Eagles from across the nation for the Association’s 77th national reunion in Grand Rapids (August 2022). …. Join the Michigan chapter! Continue the legacy!
FOX 17 News - Special Report: Grand Rapids hosts 77th Annual 101st Airborne Division Reunion • Video: https://youtu.be/6FQOr3zxhwE • Download pdf: Click here
Association’s 77th national Reunion flyer: Click here